F10401227,1160 N FEDERAL HWY 117 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33304
View full listing detailsPrice: | $2,200 |
Address: | 1160 N FEDERAL HWY 117 |
City: | Fort Lauderdale |
State: | Florida |
Subdivision: | EAST POINT TOWERS |
MLS: | F10401227 |
Square Feet: | 1,005 |
Bedrooms: | 1 |
Bathrooms: | 2 |
Half Bathrooms: | 1 |
furnished: | Furnished |
highSchool: | Fort Lauderdale |
postalCity: | Fort Lauderdale |
coveredSpaces: | 1 |
directionFaces: | North |
documentsCount: | 1 |
elementarySchool: | Bennett |
yearBuiltDetails: | Resale |
propertyCondition: | Resale |
publicSurveySection: | 36 |
taxLegalDescription: | EAST POINT TOWERS CONDO UNIT 117 |
middleOrJuniorSchool: | Sunrise |
publicSurveyTownship: | 4942 |
cumulativeDaysOnMarket: | 37 |
propertySubTypeAdditional: | Condominium |
customPropertyRestrictions: | Other Restrictions |
customPropertyUnitLocation: | 1 |
customPropertyHumanModifiedYN: | 1 |
customPropertyHousingOlderPersonsAct: | No HOPA |
customPropertyLeaseAmountPerAreaUnit: | Dollars Per Square Foot |
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